Opening a document in a dialog box

If you want to open a document in a dialog box you can use two methods:

1° method

  1. in the form of the document create a table containing the visible part to users
  2. in the Queryopendocument event of the view from which you open the document, enter the code:
    Sub Queryopendocument(Source As Notesuiview, Continue As Variant)
    	Dim w As New NotesUIWorkspace
    	Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection	
    	Dim doc As NotesDocument
    	Set dc = source.Documents
    	Set doc = dc.GetFirstDocument
    	Call w.dialogbox("[form]" , True, True, True, False, False, False, "[title]", doc, True, True, True)
    	Continue = False
    End Sub

    where [form] is the form name created in the previous step and [title] is the title of the dialog box, set the second and third arguments to True and regard to the other arguments of the method dialogbox, you can refer to the help client designers.

If the view is an embedded view you can use the following code to get the main document:

Dim w As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument

set uidoc = w.CurrentDocument

In the form you can create buttons save, edit, etc. and if you want to add a Cancel button create a button with no code, but with properties set as shown in figure:

2° method

  1. in the form of the document create a table containing the visible part to users
  2. in the Queryopen event of the view from which you open the document, enter the code:
    Sub Queryopen(Source As Notesuidocument, Mode As Integer, Isnewdoc As Variant, Continue As Variant)
    	Dim w As New NotesUIWorkspace
    	Dim s As New NotesSession
    	Dim doc As NotesDocument
    	Dim myDialogBox As String
    	myDialogBox = s.GetEnvironmentString("myDialogBox", False)
    	If(myDialogBox="1") Then
    		Call s.SetEnvironmentVar("myDialogBox", "0", False)
    		Set doc = Source.Document
    		Call s.SetEnvironmentVar("myDialogBox", "1", False)
    		Call w.dialogbox("[form]" , True, True, True, False, False, False, "[title]", doc, True, True, True)
    		Continue = False
    	End If
    End Sub

    The variable in the notes.ini myDialogBox is used to avoid running 2 times this event that would return the error “DialogBox can not be used from inside DialogBox”.


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