Author: Luca Zanini
Resetting the preferences on first launch of an app
If you want to reset or change preferences of an app at the first start here is an example of code you can put in an event as onCreate of the main activity:
Restoring complex objects at restart of an activity
In an android app an activity is created and then destroyed, for example when the user open another activity or when the user presses the back button, later the user opens again the same activity that is is recreated using the data saved before the earlier destruction of the activity. The data are saved in…
Stopping the threads
Starting a thread is very easy in java, after you create it you need to call the method start(), for example: Thread myThread = new Thread(new MyRunnable()); myThread.start(); where MyRunnable is a class implementing the Runnable interface overidden the method run().
List of the sensors in a device
In December 2012 I wrote a post about an app that displays the sensor list in an android device, now after about a year and a half the API 19 have new sensor types and methods and I thought to update the app.
Implementing the double tap on an ImageView
In this post I explain a simple example of an implementation of a double tap event on an ImageView that can be adapted with some changes for a TextView or an Activity.
Padding and margin in DialogPreference
I implemented a Time Picker in the preference using the code found here where the class TimePreference extends the class DialogPreference but I found a lack of alignment with the other preference items because of a different setting of the margins and/or padding.
Copying an array in java
In this post I show some ways to copy arrays of primitive data and objects to another array.
Handling the multi-touch in a surface view
In the previous post Handling the multi-touch in a view I’ve used a class that extends a View to show the circles where the screen is touched, here I display the same example but using a SurfaceView.
Handling the multi-touch in a view
In this post you find a full example about how to extend a view to draw, in this case, a circle where you touch the screen implement a listener on a view to handle the multi-touch