Author: Luca Zanini

  • MessageSource in Spring 3

    The MessageSource interface supports the parameterization and internationalization of messages and provides 2 implementations: ResourceBundleMessageSource, built on top of the standard ResourceBundle ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource, being able to reload message definitions without restarting the VM The following is an example of ResourceBundleMessageSource to get messages in the specified language in Spring 3.

  • Project Euler – Problem 4

    From the Project Euler Problem 4: A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 * 99. Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers checked

  • Device Definitions in Android SDK Tools Rev.21

    In the last release of Android SDK Tools Rev.21 I found a nice surprise: now there are some device and configurations for the emulator.

  • Saving the position of a ScrollView inside a Fragment

    I thought of writing a post about how to save the position of a ScrollView when I read the Bhavin’s comment in the post Tab Layout in Android with ActionBar and Fragment. Bhavin asked how one could restore the position of a scrollview switching between a tab and the other.

  • Exporting a lotus view to excel

    In this post I explain how to export all the documents in a view of a lotus database to an excel spreadsheet using the library Apache POI. It is a very simple example that exports the string for each column in the view for every document, but you can add other features such as the…

  • Project Euler – Problem 3

    From the Project Euler Problem 3: The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29. What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ? checked I used the Sieve of Eratosthenes and an idea to know if a prime factor was the greatest without checking all the numbers until 600851475143.

  • @Autowired and @Resource in Spring

    The @Autowired annotation is used to configure the dependency injection in Spring and is associated with a setter method, or a field or a constructor of a class. In the case of a setter method or a field the bean used for dependency injection is chosen depending on the type.

  • Passing information about UI objects to a java agent

    The lotus java agents don’t have classes to manage the UI objects, such as in LotusScript with the classes NotesUIDocument or NotesUIView. It’s true that you can find several info about the Notes Client Java UI API in internet, but these classes are not officially supported. In this post I explain 3 ways to obtain…

  • Project Euler

    I decided to start with Project Euler. Until now I have solved the first two problems, very easy: Prolem 1 Add all the natural numbers below one thousand that are multiples of 3 or 5. Problem 2 By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed four million, find the sum…

  • Spinner menu

    The spinner menu is a navigation mode that allows you to switch from one view to another using a drop down menu. The advantage of using the spinner menu consists in a more compact design because it does not require a dedicated tab bar, but it uses the bar already commonly used for the title…