Tag: emission nebula

  • NGC 2237

    NGC 2237

    NGC 2237 or the Rosette Nebula is an emission nebula in the constellation of Monoceros, lighted by the open cluster NGC 2244 whose brightest stars are visible at the centre of the photo.

  • NGC 2024

    NGC 2024

    NGC 2024 or Sh2-277 also known as the Flame Nebula, is an emission nebula in the constellation of Orion; the brightest star in the photo is Alnitak, one of the three stars of Orion’s belt.

  • NGC 896

    NGC 896

    NGC 896 is an emission nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia, and it is the brightest part of a much larger nebula IC 1805.It is a region of recent star formation.

  • IC 63

    IC 63

    In the center of the photo there is IC 63 (Sh2-185), an emission nebula illuminated by γ Cas (gamma Cassiopeiae), the overexposed star at the upper left, a blue giant, visible to the naked eye; at the lower left there is the nebula IC 59.The three objects are physically close together.IC 63 is also called…

  • NGC 2359

    NGC 2359

    NGC 2359, also known as Thor’s Helmet Nebula, is an emission nebula located in the constellation Canis Major.

  • NGC 2264

    NGC 2264

    The middle section of NGC 2264 in the Monoceros constellation.

  • NGC 7635

    NGC 7635

    NGC 7635, also known as the Bubble Nebula, is located in the constellation Cassiopeia and consists of a bubble-shaped nebula generated by the stellar wind of a star at its center and which is expanding into a larger nebula.

  • M 20

    M 20

    The nebula M 20 or NGC 6514, known as the Trifid nebula due to its shape, is located in the constellation Sagittarius.

  • M 8

    M 8

    The Lagoon nebula, or M 8 or NGC 6523, is an emission nebula in the constellation Sagittarius and contains within it the open cluster NGC 6530.

  • NGC 281

    NGC 281

    NGC 281 is a nebula in the Cassiopeia constellation, also known as the Pacman Nebula.