Tag: io

  • Double eclipse on Jupiter

    Double eclipse on Jupiter

    Jupiter, photographed every 15 minutes on August 25, 2024 between 00:30 and 05:30 UTC when the first eclipse had already begun.I started photographing at 22:30 UTC but the first photos are not good because Jupiter was very low on the horizon, and in the following photos you can see an improvement of the quality of…

  • An eclipse on Jupiter

    October 7, 2023, the shadow of the satellite Io on Jupiter.

  • Jupiter


    Jupiter, photographed on October 2, 2023 with three of its satellites: Ganymede, Europa and Io.

  • Jupiter


    I report the photos on Jupiter taken on July 18, 2022 between 1:55 and 3:01 UT.The small object visible from the second frame is Jupiter’s satellite Io

  • My first photos of Jupiter

    My first photos of Jupiter

    Here are some photos of Jupiter, in black and white; if I had a color camera, the vision would certainly more impressive.The first two photos were taken on June 27, 2021 at 01:18 and 02:07 Italian time and it is possible to see the rotation of the planet which takes about 10 hours.