Tag: layout
The merge tag
The merge tag allows you to avoid an unnecessary use of nested layouts when you use the include tag.
Swipe views
In a previous post I implemented a layout with 2 tabs using an action bar and fragments; the disadvantage of this layout is that dragging horizzontally the views in a similar way to Google Play would be very natural for the user. In Horizontal View Swiping with ViewPager you can see how to get this…
Customizing the labels of an ActionBar
In the post Tab Layout in Android with ActionBar and Fragment I wrote an example of using an ActionBar whose labels are shown in uppercase even if you use the statement: actionBar.newTab (). setText (“my string”); where “my string” is lowercase. In this article I show how to customize the labels in lowercase but it…
Tab Layout in Android
This post is an example of implementing a tab layout in Android using a TabActivity class.The TabActivity class is deprecated since version 3.0 Honeycomb, then you should use ActionBar as I’ll write in a next post.
Dynamic TableLayout in Android
In this post I explain how to implement in runtime a table with rows and columns without using a XML file. To display the borders of the TextView I use the method illustrated here.
Placing the components of a LinearLayout
The purpose of layout is to arrange the various components within itself according to a particular scheme and the LinearLayout is the simplest of layout which is proposed by default when you create an Android project.