There is not a method in lotusccript to get the list of all users belonging to a group, and to complicate matters, groups can contain other groups as members.
To solve this problem I wrote getUsersByGroup function that returns the list of users belonging to a group, provided that:
- the public names.nsf is accessible
- users have a document “Person” in the public address book
- groups are defined in the names
- the maximum number of nested groups is 100, but you can change this setting changing the variable maxNestedGroup
I think that the function getUsersByGroup is also an example of a recursive function that uses the method Static to avoid to define the same variables more times .
The variable incrementIndex defines the increase in the index of the matrix usersTempList when you reach the limit.
The getUsersByGroup function returns a variant containing a string array whose elements are the users in the format [Firstname Lastname] / [domain] / [Country]
Option Public Option Declare Sub Initialize ReDim usersTempList(10) As String Dim users As Variant Dim group As String group = "[group name]" users = getUsersByGroup(group, usersTempList) ForAll v In users Print CStr(v) End ForAll End Sub Sub Terminate End Sub Function getUsersByGroup(groupName As String, usersTempList() As String) As Variant Static incrementIndex As Integer Static maxNestedGroup As Integer Static s As NotesSession Static db As NotesDatabase Static dbNames As NotesDatabase Static vwGroup As NotesView Static vwPerson As NotesView Static counter As Integer Static nestedCounter As Integer Dim doc As NotesDocument Dim members As Variant Dim user As NotesName Dim userName As String If (s Is Nothing) Then Set s = New NotesSession Set db = s.Currentdatabase Set dbNames = s.Getdatabase(db.server, "names.nsf") Set vwGroup = dbNames.Getview("($VIMGroups)") vwGroup.Autoupdate = False Set vwPerson = dbNames.Getview("($VIMPeople)") vwPerson.Autoupdate = False counter = 0 nestedCounter = 0 incrementIndex = 10 maxNestedGroup = 100 End If nestedCounter = nestedCounter + 1 Set doc = vwPerson.Getdocumentbykey(groupName, True) If Not(doc Is Nothing) Then If (counter>UBound(usersTempList)) Then ReDim Preserve usersTempList(UBound(usersTempList)+incrementIndex) End If Set user = New NotesName(doc.FullName(0)) userName = user.Abbreviated usersTempList(counter) = userName counter = counter + 1 Else Set doc = vwGroup.Getdocumentbykey(groupName, True) If Not(doc Is Nothing And nestedCounter<maxNestedGroup) Then members = doc.Getitemvalue("Members") ForAll v In members Set user = New NotesName(CStr(v)) userName = user.Abbreviated Call getUsersByGroup(userName, usersTempList) End ForAll End If End If If (nestedCounter=1 And UBound(usersTempList)>1) Then getUsersByGroup = FullTrim(usersTempList) End If nestedCounter= nestedCounter - 1 End Function
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